BNZ's new head of wealth
Tracey Berry has been appointed the new Head of Wealth and Private Bank for BNZ.
Berry is an experienced banking executive, with a track record of success including a number of high profile awards and government appointments.
Berry comes to BNZ from Kiwibank, where she was responsible for the Wealth business as well as for all new organic and inorganic business opportunities for the bank. She was a key part of the Kiwibank executive team, establishing the Kiwibank wealth business from the ground up, developing their investment and advisory service as well as extending their insurance product suite.
Prior to that, she was the Head of Wealth Management for Westpac NZ. Berry has a high profile in the industry, including being recently appointed as a committee member of the Disciplinary Committee under the Financial Advisors Act. The winner of Young Executive of the Year in 2009 for the Central Region, Tracey brings a depth of understanding of the wealth business, combined with a passion and drive for the business.
Berry will be based in Christchurch.