New president for society
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, Fellow of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries and an Associate of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. He is also a Director of Vero Liability.
New council members were also elected at the meeting, they are: Linda Page, Sovereign; Greg Lee, Aon Consulting; Heathcliff Neels, Mercer Consulting; Ian New, Westpac; and John Smith, Fidelity Life.
Retiring President, Ric Geisler from the Accident Compensation Corporation remains on the council as Immediate Past President. The New Zealand Society of Actuaries is the professional body for actuaries in New Zealand. Its objectives include the establishment, promotion and maintenance of high standards of competence and conduct within the actuarial profession and the development of New Zealand actuarial standards and guidance. The society has 260 members including 142 Fellows.