
Pratley resigns from NZMBA

Thursday 16th of February 2012

Today I have advised the board of the NZMBA of my intention to resign as Chairman and CEO of the NZMBA effective 1 April 2012.  It is now an appropriate time for me to stand down from the role that I have had for 3 ½ years with the impending merger of NZMBA and PAA.

This has been a fantastic opportunity for me to lead an industry through not only a global credit crisis and the most comprehensive regulatory overhaul financial advisers in New Zealand have seen.  The role certainly grew after becoming chairman and then CEO of the association.  This structure allowed the association to restructure its financial affairs and then strategically set course to assist members along the pathway of regulation.

I have enjoyed all components of the role from board meetings, visits to the Beehive, interviews on Close Up, dispute discipline, operational duties, organising conference and road shows.  It has given me great contact with mortgage brokers and financial services around New Zealand, and I have really enjoyed the chance to work with the great characters of our industry.  The recognition of the Jeff Chong Award at last year's conference was a great surprise and an honored to have received. 

The board of the NZMBA has been supportive and constructive in these challenging times.  I wanted to make special mention of Stephen Wilton as treasurer/vice chairman.  He has helped provide the association with clarity in the treasurer's role and as vice chairman I really have valued his input, support and wise counsel in challenging times ensuring a strong message. Also the NZMBA's staff and support services have been amazing to work with to achieve our strategic outcomes. They certainly have worked hard to meet our deadlines.

I feel it is an appropriate time that I can now finish my role at NZMBA with the merger of NZMBA and PAA (subject to member approval) and knowing that NZMBA will evolved into a new joint proposition adding value from where it has been. We have been a strong voice for mortgage advisers and I think the new environment can provide this for the future.

A new association governance structure has been developed which will provide the two associations with a new offering and as the financial services market matures in the area of professional associations, I am sure it will continue to evolve.   

The industry has changed so much over the last four and a half years that I have been involved with the NZMBA and I know how hard it has been for individual advisers to stay solely focused in the mortgage area.  So by advisers understanding regulation and developing their business and service to include insurances and even KiwiSaver, they will provide more diverse cashflow into their business for its ongoing success.  This is all about adviser development that may take many years to roll out but I am sure it will happen.

My role with NZMBA will end on 31 March 2012 and subject to final approval from members, the new NZMBA/PAA structure will be headed up by current PAA chairman Peter Leitch. 

Comments (2)
Andy Phillipson
Thanks for your support Darren - and good luck for the future.
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12 years ago

Simon Rule
I wonder how the above readers feel now given the subsequent news that Darren and his chums at TNP clearly had hidden plans to form their own profession association.
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12 years ago

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