Scobie joins Mercer
Thursday 5th of December 2002
Mercer Investment Consulting has appointed David Scobie to the position of Research Analyst.
Scobie, who will be based in Wellington, is responsible for researching domestic fund managers in conjunction with Andrew Francis, a Research Analyst with the Australian fund manager team, based in Sydney.
Scobie joins Mercer from the Asset & Liability Management branch of The Treasury. He has experience in managing offshore bonds in a previous role with the Reserve Bank.
Scobie will start in mid-December after attending Mercer Investment Consulting's Australian conference in Melbourne.
Scobie, who will be based in Wellington, is responsible for researching domestic fund managers in conjunction with Andrew Francis, a Research Analyst with the Australian fund manager team, based in Sydney.
Scobie joins Mercer from the Asset & Liability Management branch of The Treasury. He has experience in managing offshore bonds in a previous role with the Reserve Bank.
Scobie will start in mid-December after attending Mercer Investment Consulting's Australian conference in Melbourne.
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