PR: Grey Power tells the Nats to embrace the universal pension
Do the members of the National Party at large believe their approach to New Zealand Superannuation over nine years in office was a mistake?
Unless the National Party at large accepts the principle of Universal Superannuation linked to the net after tax average wage as of right for all generations "The Confession" is meaningless.
The National Party Conference failed to endorse a remit calling for New Zealand Superannuation to be set at a level to allow retired New Zealanders to live in dignity. This speaks volumes about the value base of that party.
A contrite Jenny Shipley cannot undo the damage she and her party in government did to older New Zealanders but it could prevent it happening to future generations.
Grey Power Manawatu asks why is it after the Todd Reports, the Periodic Review Groups update, and nine years of National led governments New Zealand is back to square one in terms of a Multi Party accord on New Zealand Superannuation?
We believe that it is the ideological divide separating the political parties that precludes a genuine accord on this question.
Dr Cullen is right, there is no point in coming to the table to rerun the whole debate.
The electorate elected the coalition government with a mandate to put certainty and sustainability into the provision of New Zealand Superannuation.
The basis for an all-party accord should be the Coalition Governments proposed legislation.
If the opposition parties give the same vigour to the debate as they applied to the ERB the public will be able to judge for themselves where the parties really stand on the question of New Zealand Superannuation.
Grey Power Manawatu urges our opposition Members of Parliament, to accept the principle of a Universal Superannuation set at a level to enable retired New Zealanders to live in dignity and participate in society