Shifting house no sure bet - Mary Holm
Sunday 29th of August 2004
Taking into account the worst scenario of a further rise in property prices, is there any kind of investment that I can hedge against this with my cash after the sale?
A. Stay put.
Quite a lot of people try to time the sharemarket, hoping to sell when prices are high and buy back when they are low.
As often as not, they get it wrong. And, because they have to pay brokerage and perhaps also tax on their gains, most end up worse off than if they had bought and held.
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Taking into account the worst scenario of a further rise in property prices, is there any kind of investment that I can hedge against this with my cash after the sale?
A. Stay put.
Quite a lot of people try to time the sharemarket, hoping to sell when prices are high and buy back when they are low.
As often as not, they get it wrong. And, because they have to pay brokerage and perhaps also tax on their gains, most end up worse off than if they had bought and held.
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4 min read