Smart Investor tool wins prize
Smart Investor, the online tool that enables people to search and compare New Zealand investments such as KiwiSaver, shares and bonds, has won an international design award.
The tool was named the best Web Design and Development in the Digital category of the Good Design Australia Awards in July.
The tool sits on the Sorted website and helps KiwiSaver members explore their fund’s investments in detail, and compare their fund against other offerings.
It also compares other managed funds, managed investments and share and bond offers, as well as providing guides on investing and definitions of jargon.
Smart Investor is managed by three government agencies – the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC).
The information the site provides is pulled from the Disclose Register run by the Companies Office. Financial Service Providers are required to provide this information as part of their legal disclosure requirements. Smart Investor is updated daily.