Speaker Profile: Anthony Morris
Within this climate, we still need to out-sell, out-innovate and out-smart the competitor across the high street. This presentation will show delegates how.
Conference participants will be taken on a roller-coaster ride of brilliant, practical ideas to bolt their clients to their practice for life. They will learn the secrets of “lapse-proofing” their relationships whilst delivering a level of service that gets clients wanting to talk about them and refer them over and over. Exciting community and niche-marketing strategies will be explored and a working plan on center-of-influence development presented as a means of landing bigger cases.
In addition, today’s financial planner has more technological assistance than ever before to bring to the relationship with the client. Delegates will be presented with new, creative uses of the following technological tools:
- · SMS ·
- Voicemail ·
- Websites
Prospecting for new clients remains a key element in building a sustainable practice. Various new ideas and actual scripts will be shared with the audience and they will be given a working handout summary as a take-away tool to assist them in implementing the strategies for immediate impact.
This presentation is very humorous, whilst remaining practically focused on breakthrough ideas and methods which can be used to enhance relationships and boost production to new heights.