Supertalk - your place to learn about and discuss superannuation
Good Returns and AMP plan to change that situation and provide a forum where people can learn, discuss and debate issues surrounding superannuation.
We believe is ground breaking in the way it plans to tackle this issue. Instead of providing just an online discussion forum to debate the issues we are providing New Zealanders with a comprehensive set of resources and a range of varied opinions on superannuation.
One of the reasons superannuation hasn't been properly debated is because it is a complex, and there is no single right or wrong answer.
To help the debate we plan to break superannuation into its core parts and discuss each one individually. For instance, one of the biggest questions is; Should New Zealand Super (the state pension) be a universal entitlement or should a means-tested benefit?
Besides facilitating discussion on the issue, will run a poll on the question to get reader feedback.
In the past, such as with the referendum on the Retirement Savings Scheme, debate has focussed on peripheral issues. plans to tackle the big issues and help people understand what's happening.
We hope after reasoned discussion people will be better able to make informed decisions on superannuation issues.
As AMP general manager John Drabble points out the window of opportunity to solve the super problem is small and closing. The sooner a sustainable solution can be implemented the better it will be for New Zealanders now and in the future.
We invite you to take part in the debate with