The big man returns
Monday 2nd of October 2000
Ralph Stewart has taken on a new role within Tower Managed Funds (TMF) - this time as general manager of distribution.
Stewart has a long history with Tower. Since compeleting an MBA in Manchester several years ago he has been working in a strategy role with Tower Corporation.
Prior to his study Stewart was the general manager of Tower Trust Services (which later merged with parts of Trustees Executors and became TMF).
More recently TMF has been merged with Tower Investment Savings (but has kept the TMF name).
Stewart works alongside Richard Baker, who is the general manager responsible for products. Both men report to Stuart Fish.
Stewart has a long history with Tower. Since compeleting an MBA in Manchester several years ago he has been working in a strategy role with Tower Corporation.
Prior to his study Stewart was the general manager of Tower Trust Services (which later merged with parts of Trustees Executors and became TMF).
More recently TMF has been merged with Tower Investment Savings (but has kept the TMF name).
Stewart works alongside Richard Baker, who is the general manager responsible for products. Both men report to Stuart Fish.
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