Banks still not happy with CCCFA changes
McGraith says the CCCFA changes drove people to mortgage advisers.
So I think there's a couple of things. I think the triple CFA regulation has made it feel more difficult for people as they go through that process of assessing. And I think there's a view that says that going to a broker can make that a bit more straightforward and that a broker will do more of the paperwork for you. So I think that's part of what's driving that trend.
So I think the changes are a step in the right direction. I do think if you stand right back and say the level of prescription in that regulation versus more principle based, I think we'd probably be getting overall better outcomes for consumers if we were more principles based rather than the degree of technical prescription that's in the regulations as they stand. So definitely happy that the changes are stepping in the right direction, but we believe it needs to go further.
Do you think we're making progress to go further or do you think it's a sort of in a stalemate at the moment?
I think that we are making small steps as opposed to a stand back and say, "Is this really achieving the outcome that it was designed to achieve?"