Adviser returns to MortgageLink
Sandra Algar is the new licensee in the Hutt Valley for the MortgageLink group.
She was formerly with MortgageLink for just under 13 years until she sold her business to another group in 2014.
Algar has been in the banking and finance industries since 1983 and specifically mortgage advising since 2002. She loves to assist first home buyers who do not have the lenders preferred minimum 20% deposit as there are still options for them.
She says in her LinkedIn profile that she is an advocate or "go to" person for her clients so they achieve the best possible outcomes and their financial goals.
"The service I provide ensures I keep in touch with my clients by providing regular reviews and information. This ensures that their lending arrangements are always structured in the best way possible."
She was The Co-operative Bank Broker of the year in 2007 and 2008.