Twyford takes the reins
The addition of urban development to the ministerial responsibilities signals a change in focus as, traditionally, the portfolio has encompassed housing and construction.
The housing portfolio will now include social housing, the private rental market and KiwiBuild.
Under the previous government, these responsibilities were divvied up among ministers but Prime Minister-elect, Jacinda Ardern, reportedly wants one person in charge.
Twyford will also be Minister of Transport.
NZ Property Investors Federation executive officer Andrew King said he knows Twyford and is looking forward to working with the new minister.
Twyford has been in Parliament since 2008 and has been MP for Te Atatu since 2011. Before going into politics, he was the founder director of Oxfam New Zealand.
Meanwhile, it looks like the Labour-led government will hit the ground running on the housing front.
In a speech to the Council of Trade Unions today, Ardern pledged that in Labour’s first 100 days they will pass the Healthy Homes Bill and get started on the KiwiBuild programme, which aims to build 100,000 affordable homes over 10 years.
Read more:
Changes in housing policy to come