What drives the property market?
Friday 29th of August 2008
Here’s a question, I’m not sure of the answer to: Why have house prices increased so much in recent years?
Is it because credit had been easy to get? Has it been because of investor behaviour?
Then there is this question: Has the market been fuelled by the tax system?
There has been a lot of hot air over these types of questions recently. What is clear is that the Reserve Bank has increased interest rates over recent years with the main purpose of slowing the housing market down. RBNZ governor Alan Bollard has made it clear that was one of the objectives of these increases.
He has also acknowledged monetary policy is not the most efficient tool for managing the markets, and the bank and officials have looked at other ideas, such as ring-fencing losses from property (so people can’t offset them against other income), and a mortgage levy (which is supported by economists such as the BNZ’s Tony Alexander).
The good news, from the perspective of investors, is that the government doesn’t look like doing any of these things. Reports were done and they went as far as the Office of the Prime Minister, however, as the NZ Property Investor magazine reports this month, they aren’t going anywhere.
Why? Not surprisingly there is little political support for changes. The only real support out there is from the Green Party, and that is for some sort of capital gains tax.
Not exactly a policy one would talk about, especially this close to an election.
While people still debate whether property investment has a tax advantage or not, I come down on the view that, yes, there are some advantages. The main one though is that it is one investment where people are prepared to leverage their capital. This is fine when the investment increases in value and many people have made lots of money this way.
What’s probably more pertinent now, is that previously other investments such as managed funds were at a significant disadvantage to assets like residential property. With changes to tax laws and the introduction of the portfolio investment entity (PIE) tax regime and things like KiwiSaver, the differences are less than they were before.
It’s hard to see the rules around property investment changing too much and while there may be some advantages, there are other aspects to the game which make it a hard business (eg: managing tenants).
The other thing to remember is that property investors aren’t just buying an asset, they are setting up a business and running a service providing accommodation to others. This, I think, makes it quite a different type of investment.
Is it because credit had been easy to get? Has it been because of investor behaviour?
Then there is this question: Has the market been fuelled by the tax system?
There has been a lot of hot air over these types of questions recently. What is clear is that the Reserve Bank has increased interest rates over recent years with the main purpose of slowing the housing market down. RBNZ governor Alan Bollard has made it clear that was one of the objectives of these increases.
He has also acknowledged monetary policy is not the most efficient tool for managing the markets, and the bank and officials have looked at other ideas, such as ring-fencing losses from property (so people can’t offset them against other income), and a mortgage levy (which is supported by economists such as the BNZ’s Tony Alexander).
The good news, from the perspective of investors, is that the government doesn’t look like doing any of these things. Reports were done and they went as far as the Office of the Prime Minister, however, as the NZ Property Investor magazine reports this month, they aren’t going anywhere.
Why? Not surprisingly there is little political support for changes. The only real support out there is from the Green Party, and that is for some sort of capital gains tax.
Not exactly a policy one would talk about, especially this close to an election.
While people still debate whether property investment has a tax advantage or not, I come down on the view that, yes, there are some advantages. The main one though is that it is one investment where people are prepared to leverage their capital. This is fine when the investment increases in value and many people have made lots of money this way.
What’s probably more pertinent now, is that previously other investments such as managed funds were at a significant disadvantage to assets like residential property. With changes to tax laws and the introduction of the portfolio investment entity (PIE) tax regime and things like KiwiSaver, the differences are less than they were before.
It’s hard to see the rules around property investment changing too much and while there may be some advantages, there are other aspects to the game which make it a hard business (eg: managing tenants).
The other thing to remember is that property investors aren’t just buying an asset, they are setting up a business and running a service providing accommodation to others. This, I think, makes it quite a different type of investment.
Comments (4)
Craig Pope
Firstly I am a property investor, albiet a dormant one at the moment. I have also recently sold my mortgage broking business.
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<br />One huge reason why prices have risen so much is banks and lenders have widened (and kept widening them) the 'goal posts'. They all relaxed their criteria because the market was increasing so quickly.
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<br />I am playing devils advocate here but 'BIG deal' landlords are providing 'a service to the community'!! So does alot of other small businesses out there and they still have to pay company tax. Property investment is a business so you should get into it to make money and pay tax like every other small business - and pay off debt - not rely on tax breaks. And to be fair there are some pretty ordinary landlords out there - certainly not providing much of a service. I am sure there would be alot more good landlords if they actually had to provide a good service to make a profit like a true business.
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<br />Some will argue that there would be alot less houses available for rent without tax relief - that is possibly true - but house prices would then be lower and more people renting would be available to afford to buy rather than rent.
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<br />In these tough times if you are buying a house as an investment that is great. Rather than buy three houses and take a loss (a loss that will still be larger than your tax refund). Buy one good home and put the surplus income you have into paying off principle - that is the best way to build equity in today's environment.
16 years ago
david garratt
In all of the talk about increases in property in the last few years, I have heard virtually no one talk about the generational dynamic that I have seen influence the housing market in my area (I am a real estate agent in Wellington's Northern Suburbs)and I believe, has influenced our country nationally.
<br />We all talk about the baby boomers but there is another generation that is beginning to influence the housing market - the babys of the baby boomers - they are hitting there thirties and though they have put off purchasing and having children until now - they are creating another baby boom currently and have contributed to the housing boom.
<br />These thirty somethings are now the drivers in my market for first homes.
<br />As a generation, they have much greater horizons than their parents - they want the toys, and the trips, and the education, and the houses (yes houses plural).
<br />They are cynical towards politics, religion, and many other institutions. They have an sneaking suspicion that there will be nothing in the barrel for them on retirement unless the govt of the time reintroduces death duties or they provide retirement for themselves (many of this generation talk about kiwisaver as if it is a joke - I hear this all the time in my line of work).
<br />The young couples that I have encountered of this age who are looking at buying their first home are already talking about the rental investment they are going to buy when they pay off some debt and build up some capital.
<br />They have seen their parents or parents of friends benefiting from investment in property and already have the basic mindset of investors before they start the journey.
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<br />How this influences the property market in the next 10 years remains to be seen, but I do believe that an increased awareness of this generational group will be important for the success of all types of businesses and services.
16 years ago
Jeremy Jones
Well said RGH. I fit into the category where the increase in my equity encouraged me to borrow even more to invest. Many of my friends did the same and now own one or more investment properties. Reports of bad experiences on the share market (rapid price drops, Enron etc) helped the positive view of bricks and mortar. Still does. I am up for the next cycle which I think is actually closer than people think. I am pretty sure that 7 to 10 years from now, houses will be worth double what they are today. I'm prepared to bet on it.
16 years ago
Melanie Weidmann
What is the attraction of property? The so-called baby boomers are often unwilling to invest in assets that they can not see & touch - things that can suddenly disappear!! And it's not surprising - as a generation we have been stung too many times. We worked hard (with high taxes) and struggled into our first homes, some paying high interest rates up to 19%. That worked out OK when inflation matched it & greatly increased the value of our homes. But our shares suddenly disappeared in 1987. Managed funds (often sold along with life insurance) of the day came to very little. There was very little help for families from the government either - no handouts when we raised our kids. Now some have seen tens of thousands disappear along with dodgy directors in finance & property companies. Even the BNZ had to be bailed out by the government at one stage! Personally I would not trust anyone to invest my money for me via one of these kiwisaver schemes - likely a lot of those funds will disappear as well. So it's property or gold under the bed! I'm not really that cynical - but just trying to make a point about people investing in what has worked before & avoiding mistakes of the past.
16 years ago
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