z_FPIA Conference

Details of workshop sessions

Monday 11th of February 2002
These are just some of the workshops you will be able to attend:

WORKSHOP STREAM 1 - "Taking Charge Of Your Personal Potential"
It was William Shakespeare who mused 'we know what we are, but know not what we may be'. If we accept that our businesses are truly a reflection of how we are ourselves, it becomes possible to identify how our own personal behaviours and attitudes can transform our entrepreneurship to even higher plateaus of success! This workshop stream intends to provide you with tools by which you can 'accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative', with the outcome of strengthening your personal and business life.

WORKSHOP STREAM 2 -"Taking Charge Of Your Professional Skills"
Keeping abreast of the myriad changes in legislation and regulation which influence the advice you provide to clients is a significant challenge! For some, It has been suggested that 'knowledge is like money - the more you get, the more you crave!' Regardless of whether you continually thirst for new information (or are more easily satisfied), or whether you consider yourself a 'generalist' or a 'specialist' in the financial services industry, this workshop stream will provide you with an essential update in a number of key practice areas including taxation; ethics; risk management; and financial markets.

WORKSHOP STREAM 3 - "Taking Charge Of Your Relationships"
The United Nations report on 'The World's Women 2000' highlighted that the 'population of people [in the world aged] over 60 is expected to grow from 600 million to 1 billion in the next 20 years, with many more older women than men' and that 'more people are living alone in the developed regions [of the world], and the majority are women'. While the primary focus of this workshop stream will be on identifying the financial issues and needs which are most important for women, more general factors influencing investor behaviour will also be explored.

WORKSHOP STREAM 4 - "Taking Charge Of Your Business"
How unique does your business need to be? Can it adapt to changing conditions in the market? Are its essential resources (time and money) being used efficiently? Are opportunities being allowed to come and go, giving competitors an advantage? Presenters in this workshop stream will focus on identifying the intrinsic value of your business; provide you with tools to assess whether or not economies and efficiencies are being created; and help you identify where your core-competencies truly lie.

WORKSHOP STREAM 5 - "Taking Charge Of The Future"
Charles Kettering - the U.S. engineer who was instrumental in developing much of the technology which transformed the automobile in the early 20th century - noted that "my interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there". Often we can lose sight of the fact that everything we do today is crucial in creating the tomorrow in which we will live and work. In this workshop stream, delegates will have the opportunity of not only being introduced to new technologies of the 21st century, but also to reflect on some of the major demographic and social changes which will influence the shape of the financial services industry in the future.
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