Exciting conference for exciting times
This will be our sixth conference under the FPIA banner, and we have truly come of age. More and more we are being recognised as the truly credible professional organisation representing insurance advisers and financial planners in New Zealand. It is an exciting time to be a financial adviser and the team has prepared a programme that matches the mood in the professionalism we have come to stand for.
The theme for Auckland 2004 is Diversity. To make a success of doing business in this new and challenging world, and to plan for a successful future, we need to take time out to reflect on what we do, and how it may need to adapt and develop. Our conference programme will keep you on your toes, with a range of workshop sessions aimed at all levels of experience.
As there was last year, there will be five workshop streams at Success Forum Auckland: two with an insurance focus; two focusing on investments, and one looking at best practice issues. We have some top class keynote speakers, all of whom are new to the FPIA platform. And of course there will be plenty of time for socialising, networking, and seeing the sights of Auckland, the City of Sails.
Building on another memorable event in Rotorua last year, we have followed a similar format in 2004, and our line up of plenary speakers and business sessions is of an extraordinary standard. Best practice, regulation, great new (and great old) ways of understanding, communicating about, and dealing with investment and insurance needs. We guarantee you will come away with loads of great ideas for improving the quality of your life, increasing your income, and polishing the way you do business. You will also have a fantastic opportunity to share ideas and rub shoulders with literally the best minds in the business, while you sample Auckland's buzzing atmosphere and fabulous opportunities to relax and be entertained.
On behalf of the Organising Committee, and the many others who are giving so freely of their time, energy and money to ensure success, I have very great pleasure in inviting you to join us at the brand new Sky City Convention Centre. It promises to be a first class venue. Everything is under one roof, with registrations and exhibition hall on one level; the theatre and breakout rooms on the level immediately above, connected by a short skyway to the hotel complex. And it's all smack in the middle of Auckland city.
As a brand new venue, the acoustics and amenities will all be superb, and the venue has the latest audio visual and communications technology built in. Data show facilities, radio mike loops, and fast internet access are available in every room. That means exhibitors, speakers and delegates should find themselves in an ideal environment.
Auckland 2004 has assembled an enthusiastic, creative and committed group of organisers, led as ever by Marg Craig and her colleagues at The Conference Team. The committee consists of five practitioners, plus CEO Phillip Matthews. Each practitioner is overseeing one stream of the business sessions. Cecilia Farrow and Katrina Denize (risk specialists) are coordinating the Risk and Advanced Risk streams. Clair MacPherson-Jones and Tracee Crammond (investment specialists) are looking after the Investment and Advanced Investment streams, and I am looking after the fifth stream, Best Practice.