FPA - Sydney
Specialised workshops for all a big feature of “Success Forum” in Sydney
An innovative programme of specialised practical workshops for literally everyone in financial planning will be a major feature of “Success Forum Australia 2002” which the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) is holding at the Sydney Convention Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney.
To be held on Wednesday 20 November, the day before the Convention proper, a diverse range of “how to” sessions aims to lift the professional skill levels of financial planners (experienced and new), dealer groups, paraplanners, training/compliance managers, risk writers, fund managers, technical / research and practice managers / support staff.
The workshop streams are
- “Masterclass” for senior planners with two leading U.S. speakers Richard Wagner (Worth Living, LLC) and John Bowen (CEG Worldwide).
- “Practitioner Workshop” balances fiscal and personal aspects of life; Steve Le Fever (US, Business Advisory Services) and Dr Fred Grosse (NZ, Institute for Management, Organisation and Motivation)
- “Internet Workshop”, effective email marketing with Debbie Mayo-Smith (NZ)
- and also specialist sessions for paraplanners and risk writers and another on compliance with new Australian laws and regulations.
The Convention itself to be held over the following two days features a galaxy of top presenters. There is an option to just attend a workshop, and/or take a day pass to the Convention. The latest financial products and services will be displayed to the expected 2,500 delegates at the associated “Business Expo”.
The FPA website www.fpa.asn.au has comprehensive information on the workshops and the whole Convention programme and offers facilities for secure registration.