z_FPIA Conference

FPIA Success Forum - Business Sessions

Friday 11th of February 2005
Wed. 1.30-2.20pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR1) M.D.R.T. concepts raise the bar
How to increase productivity, share cutting-edge sales ideas, and encourage you to keep educating yourself and how to improve your quality of life.
Godfrey Phillips, Keynote

Advanced Risk
Sponsored by Fidelity Life
(AR1) Courting Risk

This session considers strategies for providing quality advice and addressing the risk of complaints and litigation. The presenters draw on their experiences as lawyers practising in financial services and conducting numerous reviews of financial services advisers in Australia to provide practical tips to enhance your advising practices.
Grant Holley and Tim Nethercote, Compact-compliance and Corporate Training

Sponsored by Provincial Finance Ltd
(I1) Corrective Lenses for a short-sighted market
The great news is that long-term buy-and-hold investing is dead. Current markets are all about cutting and running at the first sign of trouble, switching and speculating. But as any good contrarian knows, opportunities exist away from the herd.
Carmel Fisher, Fisher Funds Management

Advanced Investment
Sponsored by BT Funds Management
(AI1) International Fixed Interest - insights from a global perspective
The benefits of including offshore fixed interest in your clients' diversified portfolio along with the opportunities that are only available to global fixed interest investors.
Tony Hildyard, Tower Asset Management

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP1) HOT TOPIC - update on regulation task force

Wed. 2.30-3.20pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR2) The high road or the low road
Which business path do I take?
Mike Handcock, Club 21

Advanced Risk
(AR2) Risk writing in Australia post F.S.R.B.
Whilst the changes in regulations were significant, they created significant opportunities for those advisers competent in the area of risk. This presentation will cover not only the likely impacts of increased regulation but will explore where many risk advisers have doubled and tripled their business since the changes were implemented. The ideas and concepts are transferable across the Tasman.
Grahame Evans, Professional Investment Services

(I2) Scams - Consumers' Institute and Securities Commission
Ideas for investment advisers within the context of recent scams.
David Russell, Consumers Institute & Kathryn Rogers, Securities Commission

Advanced Investment
(AI2) Caton on China
Chris Caton provides you with his take on the current state of the Chinese economy, its prospects and the impact that it is likely to have at a global and also local (NZ) level.
Chris Caton, BT Financial Group

Best Practice / Ethics

Wed. 3.50-4.40pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR3) Life, Trauma & Income Protection
When they do and don't get paid and why
Neil Watling, Fidelity Life

Advanced Risk
(AR3) Do you want fries with that?
How you can add extra services and product to existing clients and how to make bigger sales.
Mike Handcock, Club 21

(I3) Planning ahead or having to deal with the unexpected
A case study based on a sudden death and a very intricate web of investment, estate planning and risk issues to be dealt with.
Ricky Bennett, Bennett & Associates Ltd. Financial Planner of the Year 2003.

Advanced Investment
(AI3) The Taxation of Investment Income-The Stobo Report - curate's egg or savings fillip?
An overview on the independent Report's genesis, process and conclusions;and comment on the Government's policy decisions on the tax treatment of managed funds for New Zealanders.
Craig Stobo

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP3) Moving on: How mature businesses make the transition to the next phase
The financial planning industry is maturing and practice owners are looking at ways to ensure their businesses continue when they retire. Learn how one principal dealt with the succession dilemma and the tips required for creating a good succession plan.
Wayne Becker, ING NZ Ltd & Warrick Funnell, Wanganui Investment Brokers

Wed 4.50-5.40pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR4) The work starts when the need becomes real.
Giving advice and putting insurance into place is only part of the process. The professional risk adviser also needs to be there when reality bites.
Garth Clarricoats, Optimum Professional

Advanced Risk
(AR4) Adviser Beware!
A discussion of potential areas of exposure and PI insurance development.
Cam Bailey, Bailey Financial Solutions & Richard Johnstone, Wynn Williams & Co

(I4) And the half-time score is...
As we approach the middle of the year, Chris Caton, chief economist for BT Financial Group takes stock of how the global economy is tracking and assesses the key influences impacting on the prospects for global growth and financial markets for the coming six months and beyond.
Chris Caton, BT Financial Group

Advanced Investment
(AI4) Researching Fixed interest securities and their issuers
Understanding risk through tapping into advanced research techniques to add real value to both debt and equity investment advice.
Patrick Caragata, Rapid Ratings

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP4) Courting Advisers
How would your advising practices stand up in court? This session builds on the "Courting Risk" session earlier in the day and takes place "in court" where we find an adviser sued for inappropriate advice.
Tim Nethercote & Grant Holley , Compact-compliance and corporate training

Thu. 12.05-12.55pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR5) Stop selling your clients a problem, plan today and keep your clients insured tomorrow

Simply covering clients risks today and intending periodic reviews in the future, is no longer good enough. We need to do more today to ensure the client is able to maintain effective and efficient risk management strategies 10, 20 or even 50 years into the future.
Steve Wright, ING Life

Advanced Risk
(AR5) M.D.R.T concepts raise the bar
How to increase productivity, share cutting-edge sales ideas, and encourage you to keep educating yourself and how to improve your quality of life.
Godfrey Phillips, Keynote

(I5) Dipping your toes - should you invest?
The key question for investors building a long-term investment strategy: should you place money in alternative investments? Cases for and against committing funds.
John Williams, Russell Investment Group

Advanced Investment
(AI5) Portfolio Construction in the Real World
Modern Portfolio Theory meets the real world. There are significant differences between text book and practical portfolio construction. Mark Brighouse will share some of the thinking that is behind the Arcus approach to asset allocation which attempts to overcome such challenges.
Mark Brighouse, Arcus Investment Management

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP5) How high is the Bar? Never high enough - why?
Because the best way of doing something has not yet been discovered. Fact. This workshop (very interactive) will embrace the following; brand, why people buy, building a business, succession planning and much more.
Jason Lea, Keynote


Fundamental Risk
(FR6) Planning for Success
'If you fail to plan you plan to fail' - To succeed in business today you must have a very clear vision for both your business and for your personal life. Without these two key ingredients success will only be by luck. Come and learn how to create your own destiny.
Craig Rust, Smart Business Solutions

Advanced Risk
(AR6) Stop selling your clients a problem, plan today and keep your clients insured tomorrow (AR)
Simply covering clients risks today and intending periodic reviews in the future, is no longer good enough. We need to do more today to ensure the client is able to maintain effective and efficient risk management strategies 10, 20 or even 50 years into the future.
Steve Wright , ING Life

(I6) Property - the benefits of including property in a diversified portfolio
The cyclical effects of property and how to manage this in a diversified portfolio.
Greg Whitten, Tower Asset Management

Advanced Investment
(AI6) Flying High? An enquiry into currency markets and management
The plight of the Kiwi over the last few years highlights the unpredictable and volatile nature of currency markets. In this workshop, a senior member of Putnam Investments' Global Currency team will highlight the key characteristics and influences impacting global currency markets and also provide some topical insights on the outlook for currency markets and the implications for investors.

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP6) How high is the Bar? Never high enough - why? (Repeat)
Because the best way of doing something has not yet been discovered. Fact. This workshop (very interactive) will embrace the following; brand, why people buy, building a business, succession planning and much more.
Jason Lea, Keynote

Thu 4.50-5.40pm

Fundamental Risk
(FR7) Mortality Protection - the cornerstone of Life
This workshop will present the research and identify the tools that you can use with each client to minimise their protection gap.
Cecilia Farrow, Assurance Financial Services Ltd

Advanced Risk
(AR7) The changing face of definitions for Trauma and Income Protection

(I7) How a Finance Company operates
John Edilson, Provincial Finance Ltd

Advanced Investment
(AI7) Under the hood of hedge funds
Hedge funds have become famous, or is it infamous?
Craig Aynsley, Russell Investment Group

Best Practice / Ethics
(BP7) Client segmentation with a sharp knife
How and why we decided to sell 80%of our client base and increase profit by 20%
Brian Boggs, Tandem Financial Advice

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