Generate accreditation training - Classroom

2022-01-12 00:00:00

Give outstanding advice to your clients by becoming a KiwiSaver expert! About this event This 3-hour training course will help you become an expert in KiwiSaver and show you how to implement KiwiSaver advice into your process: KiwiSaver Essentials The Generate "Advice online" tool Process – best practice Referrals – using KiwiSaver to broaden your client base and expand your network. Generate – develop your understanding of the Generate product and investment strategy. The ideal client presentation – key discussion points and creating a simplified method. Completing a KiwiSaver application To get the most from the event, please ensure you have completed the adviser accreditation. Completion is required before you can become an active adviser. Existing advisers are welcome to join this as a Refresher. There will be tea & coffee on arrival, and morning tea during the break. We look forward to working with you! The Generate Team.

Event location


Event date/time

Start: 2022-01-12 00:00:00
End: 2022-01-12 00:00:00

Event contact information