Economist Andrew Hunt thinks global markets are heading for a period of greater volatility. In this month's commentary he says the risk of an approaching change in the nature and thrust of economic policies may be rising – policymakers may be under pressure to “try something new” and to stop trying endless QEs.
London-based economist Andrew Hunt tells a story that shows regulation is hurting financial services all around the world - not just in New Zealand.
Andrew Hunt says there are "relatively strange global weather patterns" impacting global financial markets, but once you cut through the bad short-term forecasts, the longer term looks good.
With the start of a new financial year we regularly hear the comments that this year will be better than the previous one. London-based economist Andrew Hunt gives his view of whether this will actually be the case.
It seems to have become a tradition that the majority of the world’s economic forecasters begin each year in an optimistic frame of mind.
London-based economist Andrew Hunt casts his eyes over global markets can concludes that markets will try to repeat last year's performance but there are some major risks to this happening. One of these is a recession in China. In this article he outlines the risks investors need to be aware of this year.
Economist Andrew Hunt has recently visited the United States and reports back on the impact of Quantitive Easing and the conflicting views of when it should end.
London-based economist Andrew Hunt looks ahead and wonders what 2014 will be like for the markets. He says there may be moments of economic optimism within certain economies but in general he expects another year of essentially lacklustre growth in the global economy that will be inconvenient for many governments and policymakers. Here he explains his reasons for this view.
London-based economist Andrew Hunt reviews the latest developments in international markets and what the US Federal Reserve's latest comments on ending its quantitative easing programme mean.
In the Tyndall Monthly Commentary Andrew Hunt investigates what affect the US Federal Reserve's tapering plans will have on financial markets around the word. He finds that it may create some headwinds, particularly for emerging markets and that the beneficiaries of quantitative easing have not been the people it was targeted at.
“Whenever the Fed tightens, a body usually floats to the surface in the Emerging Markets” (A Quote from a prominent hedge fund manager in private conversation, June 2013)
QE is a habit that’s proving very difficult to break.
Quantitive easing’s next question: How do we move on from here?
The strong dollar is doing little to help the economy but investors banking on it may be in for a sharp shock.
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Andrew Hunt
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