The government finally makes moves to regulate property managers.
Housing market cooling rapidly
As residential property returns dwindle commercial property will rise
Landlords to be belted again by Government
Property sellers in every region around the country wanted at least 15% more for their house year-on-year in December.
The Property Investors Federation has rebutted a Sunday Star Times article claiming there are 605,722 investment properties owned by 533,000 people or businesses in New Zealand.
Weaker prices for houses, particularly in Auckland, could mean the start of the long-anticipated downturn in the market.
Anti-property investor and landlord sentiment is still reigning supreme, with the contribution most investors make to providing accommodation and improving the housing stock ignored by many, says tax accountant Matthew Gilligan of Gilligan Rowe & Associates.
A mortgage is not just getting more expensive as interest rates rise. A mortgage is now hard to get full stop, says Jarrod Kerr, Kiwibank chief economist.
A Tauranga tenant has been evicted after a routine property inspection by the landlord found cannabis plants and growing equipment in three areas of a rental property at Papamoa Beach.
Real estate agents are reporting fear of missing out (FOMO) has finally been dented.
A violent de-patching of a gang member at a Tokoroa rental property led to the landlord getting an eviction notice to turf out the tenant.
The Health Ministry has issued new advice for body corporates dealing with Covid-19 infected people self-isolating in their apartments.
The BNZ has joined Westpac and the Reserve Bank in predicting modest outright falls in house prices, but a large correction cannot be ruled out.
One in 10 of Tower's policyholders face increased premiums, the rest will see decreases.
Housing costs are still running at double the typical pace.
Visitors choose Hawke's Bay for the food, wine, art deco architecture, rolling hills and beaches. It's also a popular choice for investors, Sally Lindsay writes.
The Privacy Commissioner has released new guidelines detailing what information landlords should and shouldn’t collect from tenants.
As mortgage rates rise, Westpac economists expect to see a substantial slowing in house price growth over the coming months, turning to modest price declines by the second half of next year.
House prices could drop 10%, but would only take them back to where they were in March this year, ANZ economists say.
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Sally Lindsay
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