Russell Hutchinson looks at the emergence of severity-based trauma cover and offers some ideas for advisers about how to use these products.
Just what does our insurance market look like compared to the rest of the world? Actually pretty darn good, but here is a comparison on a number of measures.
Everyone who has worked in life insurance for more than a few years knows that people hate talking about dying, but you must make them, to get them to think seriously about managing the financial consequences. Russell Hutcinson provides two strategies to tackle death.
Advisers cheerfully criticise the work of other advisers, but if they are all right then everyone in the adviser business is doing it wrong, and no-one can be trusted. That cannot literally be true. If that is the feeling consumers get then it will undermine a valuable common commodity which we all share: public trust in the idea of getting advice.
Russell Hutchinson takes issue with the Australian regulators view that insurance policy churn is leading to higher lapse rates across the Tasman. He says there are other issues at play that the regulator needs to consider.
Changes to CPD training requirements create problems for insurance companies and advisers. Russell Hutchinson explains why.
Changes in income can be large and happen more often than you may expect. With this in mind advisers need to consider whether to use indemnity or agreed value income protection cover. Russell Hutchinson considers the options.
The traditional view on life changes as we age is being challenged by various social factors. That, Russell Hutchinson says, is why insurance advisers need to consider offering life insurance products to the older generation.
Russell Hutchinson looks at the new process of licencing of life insurers provides and says that the regime does provide some comfort to advisers.
Forget for a moment what companies say, or confused journalists at The New Zealand Herald, or what regulators believe about soft commissions: what do you think of them?
Russell Hutchinson asks whether service levels should be a a factor in selecting which life insurers an advisers should use; and offers an interesting suggestion.
Russell Hutchinson says there are six keys to good insurance and, in his opinion, they aren’t all about product.
Russell Hutchinson looks at life policies sold by banks and explains five reasons why adviser-sold products are better.
There are some practical things that can be done in an insurance review which often aren’t – I think they should happen more often.
Russell Hutchinson looks at the question whether to take New to Business Cover as an alternative to Business Overheads cover.
The biggest category of complaints in the claims area relates to non-disclosure.
Showing 161 to 180 of 266 results
Russell Hutchinson
Stories written by multiple reporters.
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